ReCIPE C.U.R.E.I.T. Exercise
You Are Invited
Join us for a two-day functional exercise in 2024!
We anticipate a few pre-training calls so contact us to get more information.
The Cyber United: Resilient Electric Infrastructure Training (C.U.R.E.I.T) Exercise Alpha is designed to provide electric cooperatives and municipalities with hands-on experience and mutual aid awareness to defend against cyber threats to the power grid. The primary focus of the exercise is to teach participants about attack concepts and associated mitigations through purple teaming, a cybersecurity approach that combines the skills and techniques of red and blue teams. Participants will learn about key concepts and skills needed to secure the power grid, specifically essential systems, substations, distributed energy resources, and metering, against cyber threats. Participants will have an opportunity to apply these skills in a controlled and collaborative laboratory environment. This exercise will emphasize the need for a community approach to identifying and responding to potential power grid attacks. Awareness of external impacts across utilities is essential for more effective strategic response that considers the attack depth and complexity. Ultimately, participants will need to work together to fully understand the value of socializing combined responses. C.U.R.E.I.T.’s two-day event, with an overnight stay, allows for better mental retention, leveraging the spacing effect by spreading training over a longer period of time and consolidating material in long-term memory for future recall. Moreover, participants can discuss the day’s events and continue discussions and strategies over dinner similar to how we expect such scenarios to unfold in real time while simulating the inclusion of mutual aid. Participants will engage in practical training, scenario-driven problem-solving exercises, and after-action debriefings. The focus will be on understanding and securing the power grid, learning to detect, respond, and recover from cyberattacks through purple team exercises, and using commonly accessible tools and physical devices for educational purposes. Emphasis will be placed on highlighting attack characteristics, technical mechanisms necessary for increased security visibility, interpreting and articulating threat information, and pursuit of appropriate responses including elevation strategies for securing aid when/if necessary. Experienced instructors, with extensive knowledge of the power grid and cybersecurity will lead participants through the two-day experience. C.U.R.E.I.T. exercise effectiveness will be evaluated through a combination of self-assessment, peer assessment, observation, and feedback from participants. Evaluation results will be used to identify areas for improvement and to inform future training programs. |